Wednesday, November 2, 2011

intellectual freedom, minors, and the ALA

Intellectual Freedom: At Every Age
(essay for LIS 651-02)

Parents and teachers have a responsibility to prepare the young to meet the diversity of experiences in life to which they will be exposed, as they have a responsibility to help them learn to think critically for themselves. These are affirmative responsibilities, not to be discharged simply by preventing them from reading works for which they are not yet prepared.
                                    Proposition 4, Freedom to Read Statement

A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
                                                Article V, Library Bill of Rights

            Although I was generally familiar with the idea that librarians take a liberal view on intellectual freedom and the right to information, I hadn’t thought much about what that meant until I attended the American Library Association’s Annual Conference & Exhibition this year.  I was lucky to have my travel to New Orleans, conference registration, and lodging paid for with a scholarship.  As a student, I had no particular agenda to accomplish, and the only session I knew I wanted to attend was the opening ceremony.  The keynote speaker for ALA 2011 was Dan Savage, an author most well-known for his outspoken political opinions, gay rights advocacy, and his long-running syndicated sex advice column, Savage Love.  His writing style is humorous, witty, sharply critical, and astonishingly frank.  Although he’s a best-selling author and editor, his iconoclastic streak and controversial views wouldn’t seem to make him the most obvious choice to represent the ALA at its largest professional gathering.  Beginning in the fall of 2010, however, Savage had taken on a new venture, one that perhaps endeared him to the library community more.  The It Gets Better Project, as it’s called, is a web-based outreach effort intended for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) youth.  It may in fact be more radical than anything else Savage has done, but combining an innovative use of technology and social media with a commitment to the free dissemination of information is like a librarian dream come true.  The project had come up in a number of my courses, related to discussions of digital archiving, community archives and cultural heritage collections, and born-digital media preservation. 
            I had always liked Savage’s work and was looking forward to hearing him speak, but I knew he wasn’t likely to address the topics I was particularly interested in--technical details like metadata and the intellectual organization of such a collection.  I recognized the social significance of It Gets Better, but until I heard Savage speak about the project I hadn’t considered that information policy has special ramifications for minors. 
            A series of highly publicized suicides by gay teens was Savage’s call to action.  He saw a simple lack of information at the root of the crisis.  Maybe these teenagers were bullied and harassed by their peers or condemned by their families, but if they could just be armed with the knowledge that life does get better (eventually), maybe they could find the will to survive.  The question was how to reach them, and YouTube provided an easy answer.  The technology was easy to access and already familiar to kids growing up in an era of ubiquitous personal computing and instant Internet access.  Savage and his partner recorded a very personal video describing the difficulties they had faced as gay teenagers and the rewarding lives they had gone on to make for themselves, ending with a heartfelt plea to kids in similar situations to just stay alive long enough to make it to that better life.  They uploaded it to the Web and asked a few friends to contribute their own stories.  Within two weeks they hit the maximum number of videos allowed by YouTube and had to migrate the content to their own website.  There are now tens of thousands of videos representing celebrities, politicians, professional athletes, business leaders, and average adults from all walks of life.  The message of the project has grown to encompass any adolescent suffering from bullying or harassment at school, regardless of sexual orientation.  But the situation for LGBT youth remains most serious:  they are four times more likely to attempt suicide than heterosexual teenagers, and eight times more likely if their families are “highly rejecting.”[1]  Some estimate that 40% of homeless teenagers are LGBT youth kicked out after coming out to their own families.[2]  For kids who are living in hostile environments 24-hours-a-day, there may be no safe haven between home and school, no one they can talk to.  Savage described the important role the Chicago Public Library played in his own adolescent life, when was too afraid to be seen with “gay books,” so he would quietly take them from one section of the library, read them, and surreptitiously leave them elsewhere in the stacks.  The It Gets Better Project is entirely about bypassing hostile, adult gatekeepers and guaranteeing minors their own rights to vital information.  Savage pointed out in his speech that this is the same subversive and essential task that librarians are charged with carrying out every day in a number of ways.
            His narrative provides a powerful argument for the importance of defending the right of minors to freely access information.  Many people who are comfortable with the idea that freedom of speech (as established by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution) means some offensive forms of expression must be tolerated are less comfortable when the rights of children are involved in the conversation.  Censorship is generally understood to be un-American, but we also accept parental advisory labels and the movie rating system, legislate education requirements for children, and deny minors the right to vote.  Pretty much everyone agrees that there is a lot of stuff on the Internet that would be terribly inappropriate for children to stumble across, but we are also likely to condemn China’s practice of blocking access to websites that might disagree with government policy.  When we start talking about children there is a tendency to get alarmed more easily, and the fact that minors are not equal to adults in the eyes of the law appears to set a precedent for the idea that they might not receive the full protection of the U.S. Constitution.  The fact is that judicial interpretations of constitutional law are not entirely clear on this matter and have continued to evolve.  (For one example, we now consider women and people of color to possess the full rights of U.S. citizens.)
            The Library Bill of Rights (first adopted by the ALA Council in 1939, amended and reaffirmed continuously thereafter) takes a more unequivocal stance.  All information is valuable, no opinions or points of view should be censored, and no one should be denied access, regardless of age.  The ALA expands upon these basic ideas in a series of “interpretations” including one addressing “Free Access to Libraries for Minors” (adopted 1972, amended 1981, 1991, 2004). This states that minors’ rights are “unquestionably” protected by the First Amendment.  Additionally, parents are the only ones who should be responsible for advising, guiding, and restricting their children’s access to inappropriate materials--this is not the librarian’s role. 
            The “Free Access to Libraries for Minors” statement emphasizes that lack of information can be more harmful than accessing ‘wrong’ information.  The It Gets Better Project illustrates this as well.  In practice, of course, nothing is ever so black and white. There are ongoing challenges and revisions to the scope and intent of the U.S. Constitution, and librarians everywhere must balance their professional ideals with the needs and desires of their user communities.  Collection Development means excluding some materials and choosing others.  Readers’ Advisory is supposed to be a neutral sort of recommendation service, but it necessitates some subjective interpretation of the material in question.  Is it ok to assign “reading levels” (Kindergarten, Grades 3-4, etc.) to children’s books?  Probably.  Is it censorship to not include The Story of O in a middle school library?  Probably not.  This balancing act is an essential part of life in a democratic society.  Re-evaluating, re-establishing, and expanding the inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all citizens is another hallmark of democratic life.  Children are people, too, and if they are mature and capable enough to  deliberately seek out specific information, it should not be denied to them. 
            The ALA’s Freedom to Read statement (adopted 1953, amended 1972, 1991, 2000, 2004) is somewhat grandiose, but I think it is appropriately so.  It ends on the following note:  “We believe rather that what people read is deeply important; that ideas can be dangerous; but that the suppression of ideas is fatal to a democratic society. Freedom itself is a dangerous way of life, but it is ours.”

Sunday, May 15, 2011

cataloging snowflakes: literature review

Cataloging Snowflakes
(final analysis for Practicum)

My first library science course was called Knowledge Organization, often referred to by Pratt SILS students as the “cataloging class,” which it is not.  I did learn one valuable rule about cataloging, though.  The professor wanted us to remember:  always catalog the object in hand.  The importance of this directive remained in my mind, but its significance was murky—until I began cataloging vertical files in the library of the Brooklyn Museum. 
I am, in my other life, a storyteller, a writer, and a teacher.  It is my nature to see storytelling possibilities in the objects of the world around me.  But possibility is not the same thing as fact, and facts are the kinds of things librarians are accustomed to dealing with.  Information takes many forms, from non-fiction accounts of history to statistical data and graphs, from a map of the world in 1491 to a poem about an ancient Mongolian emperor.  Human civilization has a long history of documenting, imagining, and representing its experiences though writing.  Text is, these days, often referred to  as “content” because it is synonymous with meaning.   Writing says something. 
At the same time, there is another kind of meaning at work in human expression.  How do we explain the reaction we have to a work of art?  Why we like or dislike certain colors?  How a style of fashion can seem so attractive and then so hideous from one decade to the next?
The information professional charged with describing materials does so in order to provide access to them, so that a person looking for a certain item will be able to find it.  The person searching for something and the person describing the thing need to use the same descriptors for this to work.  But when it comes to material that is unique (like archival manuscripts) or relies on form and aesthetics for expression (like printed ephemera) it gets more complicated.  Archives have developed their own practice for providing information to researchers who can’t necessarily know that the thing they’re looking for even exists.  Finding Aids provide a listing of an archives physical contents and give some context regarding the historical period or the biography of the creator, and perhaps assign subject headings.  The process is impossible to standardize to the degree of any library’s bibliographic description, with their rigorous AACR2 rules and MARC encoding formats.  Archivists aim for objectivity as much as possible when providing description.  
Ephemera description has no standard whatsoever, since the whole category has long been overlooked by both Archives and Libraries.  I suspect the marginalization of ephemera in information professions and in academic studies has to do with its very ambiguity as a category.  A rigorous analysis of any topic would seem, as a logical first step, to call for a lucid definition of said topic.  In the case of “ephemera,” however, a clear-cut definition is not easy to formulate.  I believe this principal ambiguity is emblematic of the difficulties ephemeral materials present to the information-organizing professional and is partly responsible for the marginalization of ephemera in academic studies—although a number of other factors contribute to this sense of marginalization as well.
In lieu of a simple definition, we can try to understand what makes a definition so elusive.  The Greek root of the word means ‘lasting only a day,’ but if that were really the case—and ephemera simply disappeared after they served their purpose—then there wouldn’t be anything to worry about.  Yet transience or “short-term use” is often cited as a defining characteristic of ephemera; as in, "a broad range of minor (and sometimes major) everyday documents intended for one-time or short-term use," which is the definition provided by the Ephemera Society of America[1].  Maurice Rickards, author of the definitive (only) Encyclopedia of Ephemera, calls them “the minor transient documents of everyday life.”  While it’s true that many genres of ephemera have a narrow range of temporal relevance (train schedules, ticket stubs, catalogs), others served record-keeping purposes (account books, birth and death notices) and were clearly not intended to be “used” and discarded.   The definitions above share something besides the idea of temporary use; both use the words “minor” and “everyday” to qualify ephemeral materials.  (And these come from people who like ephemera!)  Like the flotsam and jetsam of history, some ephemera are about as meaningful as the junk mail people throw away without opening (or, obsessive-compulsive hoarders accumulate, stacked ceiling-high, until it collapses in on them).  Aside from the subjective valuation involved in such a definition, the problem is that there are so many kinds of ephemera—hundreds, according to Rickards’ encyclopedia.  Are they all equally “minor”?  What do they really have in common?  Timothy Young points out in the article “Evidence: Toward a Library Definition of Ephemera” that ephemera are often delineated merely in opposition to “normal” print materials:  they are printed but they are not books.  More importantly, because they are produced and distributed outside of the standard publishing model, “not only are outward appearances different, but something innate is skewed, uncontrollable, as well” (Young, 2003).
This innately skewed and out of control quality of ephemera provides one of the best arguments for the importance of their study.  Besides providing primary source documentation or acting as objects of cultural and aesthetic interest, ephemera reflect, in many cases, something about the populations responsible for their creation.  This becomes easier to see, perhaps, if we look at examples less colored by sentimentalism than Victorian valentines or vintage Americana.  The Barnard College Library’s Zine Collection[2] of feminist and queer self-published materials and the Labadie Collection[3] of radical, anarchist, and labor history at the University of Michigan Library provide perfect illustrations of the kinds of “ephemeral” material that rarely finds a home in a library catalog but  is clearly not intended to be “minor,” trivial, or temporary. 
An excellent collection of essays arguing for the importance of ephemera in academic research appears in The Other Print Tradition: Essays on Chapbooks, Broadsides, and Related Ephemera (Preston & Preston, 1995).  Cultural anthropologists cover a range of topics, from 18th century bawdy folk songs, to the ”kitchen-table” publishing industries of Pakistan and Egypt, to modern-day “mimeographia” or “Xeroxlore.”  The last category, which includes jokes, cartoons, and other announcement posted on message boards or an employee break-room in an office setting, is now being replaced by forwarded emails and internet forums where memes proliferate and are shared on a daily basis.  Such information dissemination almost always occurs while employees are supposed to be on the job,  thus “functioning as a diversionary tactic for contesting extant power-relations between employers and workers” (Preston, xvii).  Moreover,  the entire tradition of cheap print culture is “critical to our understanding of how dominant ideologies are constructed and disseminated…contested and negotiated within everyday lived experience” (xix). 
Fortunately, it appears that librarians and other scholars  have begun to consider the question of ephemera more seriously since the publication of The Other Print Tradition.  A number of recent articles have addressed the technical problems posed when attempting to catalog ephemera and incorporate them into library collections.  The authors of “Cataloging and Digitzing Ephemera”  (Copeland, Hamburger, Hamilton, & Robinson, 2006), point out the lack of standards for such an undertaking.  When a single item contains folk art, printed text and graphic content, and handwritten genealogical information, which cataloging rules do you follow?  In this context, the question “How does one catalog a snowflake?” is no figure of speech (Copeland, et al, p. 190).  The library team described in the article actually had to come up with methods for describing hand-cut paper snowflakes in a collection of Pennsylvania German ephemera.  The amount of time and resources spent on such an undertaking underscores another reason ephemera have been relegated to forgotten corners of the library:  what is the information value of a snowflake?  Librarians who already face, on a daily basis, a Sisyphean quantity of information to organize may find it impossible to allocate precious resources to this type of project when its benefits remain unclear.  Examined in this light, the hand-cut snowflake and the riot grrrl magazine seem to have very little in common with each other besides the fact that they don’t fit in anywhere else.  What if we thought about ephemeral materials as encompassing a spectrum of information values?  Text-based documents might exist at one end, while documents with large quantity of graphic content or unique manuscript-like qualities might occupy the other end. Assigning items a location along this spectrum could be the first step in deciding which kinds of bibliographic tools and standards to apply.  Recognizing that the variety of materials currently deemed “ephemera” may possess types of content that are not equivalent to each other—without trivializing any of those contents—could allow information professionals to match these materials to their potential users.  Which, if I’m not mistaken, is the whole point. 
Most "talking objects," (Kavanaugh, 2000) be they historical or not, derive their meaning from context—provenance, whose hands they passed through, the story of how they came to end up in a particular time or place.  This context can be utterly personal, as the museum-goer can have a reaction to an artifact or piece of art that has more to do with their own memory than any fact typed up on a exhibit label.  Human memory is a kind of metadata.  This has helped me develop a definition of the difference between books and archives, between information and its forms of transmission—and contributes to my ongoing attempt to understand the relationship between form, content, and meaning.  Books are talking objects in a way that artifacts are not, which is why archival and ephemeral materials fall somewhere in the middle.  Books (print publications) say what they are, who made them, and contain a quantity of easily accessible information within. They don't require the metadata of human experience or memory projected on them to give them meaning.  At the other end of the spectrum:  a postcard, a used train ticket, a hand-written receipt—could be a piece of trash, or a priceless piece of history if Abe Lincoln was the one who used the train ticket.  The degree to which an object requires rich context in order to be meaningful relates to its position on the information spectrum, and to the degree of difficulty facing the cataloger or archivist trying to describe it.  That difficulty, I like to remind myself, has the potential to be so worthwhile.  Somewhere in that area of potential, in possibility, is where new stories and new meanings are made.  
I take some comfort from the following quote, taken from Martin (p. 80) but originally the words of the philosopher-theologian Paul Tillich: “the boundary is the best place for acquiring knowledge.” 



This is less an article than a series of best practices recommendations from the ARLIS/NA Artist Files special interest group.  The document claims that artist files are extremely important to art researchers, but often inaccessible and under-described in library collections.  The authors establish and argue for the importance of a web-based directory of institutions with artist file holdings.  They offer both "minimal" and "expanded" MARC coding templates for catalogers.  Although my file collection is on institutions rather than individual artists, the coding recommendations are certainly applicable and appear to be identical to BM library's MARC template.

  • Barnhill, G. (2008).  Why not ephemera? The emergence of ephemera in libraries. RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage, 9(1), 127-135.
Written by an American Antiquarian Society director and president of the Ephemera Society of America, this article tries to prove the case for ephemera as an informational medium.  The author cites examples of publications and research projects that utilized ephemera as primary source documents to reveal new historical insights.  Barnhill admits that ephemera is difficult and time-consuming (thus costly) to catalog, but reiterates its unique value and importance nonetheless.

  • Copeland, A., Hamburger, S., Hamilton, J., & Robinson, K.J.  (2006).  Cataloging and digitizing ephemera:  One team’s experience with Pennsylvania German broadsides and Fraktur.  Library Resources & Technical Services, 50(3), 186-198.
This lengthy article describes the challenges of ephemera cataloging in detail, using a special project at Penn State University as an example.  It was validating for me to read about their travails, trying to decipher antiquated German print and cursive text.  In some ways, their project was a little tangential to mine, but I got the title for this blog from them.  "How does one catalog a snowflake?" they ask (p.90).  It is not a rhetorical question, but a real one—the item in hand being a cut-paper snowflake, which is evidence of a particular cultural heritage, but is not "informational" in any of the traditional ways of thinking.  A couple of things that I like about their project:  creating both MARC bibliographic records and EAD finding aids for the collection ensure access and easy discovery.  Digitizing the collection furthers this goal as well, although it was undertaken in this case more for the sake of preservation of the delicate Pennsylvania German collection.  For the most part, preservation is not an issue for my vertical files, but I believe the graphic nature of many items makes them ideal for digitization.

  • Jones, B. M.  (2004).  Hidden collections, scholarly barriers:  Creating access to unprocessed special collections materials in America’s research libraries.  RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage 5(2), 88-105.
  • Jones, B. M. & Panitch, J. M.  (2004).  Exposing hidden collections:  Introduction.   RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage 5(2), 84-87.
Both of these Jones-authored pieces appeared in the same issue of RBM (which became my go-to source for scholarly discussions of a variety of topics of interest to me).  The introduction and article, and indeed much of this issue, was a call to arms and also a plan of action for addressing unprocessed, backlogged, and "hidden" materials piling up in American research libraries.  This was mostly in response to an ARL (Association of Research Libraries) survey conducted in 1998 that revealed a serious problem.  The cataloging backlogs were, tellingly, higher for manuscript and artifact materials than for traditional printed matter (p. 90).

  • Kavanagh, G.  (2000).  Dream spaces:  Memory and the museum.  London & New York:  Leicester University Press.
Selections from this book were discussed in my Museum & Library Education & Outreach class.  Although it has a broader, cultural-studies-level focus, this reading managed to ignite the first sparks of contact with the actual work I am doing at the museum as a cataloger.  Chapter 12, in particular, entitled "Collections of objects, or memories?" addresses anthropomorphism and the idea of "talking objects."  While I find some of this argument overstated, and the psychological aspects somewhat out of my scope, several ideas struck me.  Most "talking objects," historical or not, derive their meaning from context—provenance, whose hands they passed through, the story of how they came to end up in a particular time or place.  This context can be utterly personal, as the museum-goer can have a reaction to an artifact or piece of art that has more to do with their own memory than any fact typed up on a exhibit label.  Human memory is a kind of metadata.  This has helped me develop a definition of the difference between books and archives, between information and its forms of transmission—and contributes to my ongoing attempt to understand the relationship between form, content, and meaning.

  • Lawrence, D.  (2009).  New York Art Resources Consortium:  A Model for collaboration.  Art Documentation, 28(2), 61-63.
Brooklyn Museum Library's own Deirdre Lawrence writes this report on NYARC, the art museum library consortium that pools the resources of BM, MoMA, and the Frick.  I already ♥ NYARC and Arcade, so this article was kind of preaching to the converted.  Something I didn't know already, though, was the result of an OCLC study done in 2007 that showed a high quantity of unique materials represented by the NYARC catalog (p. 62).  Meaning, pretty much nobody else in the world would be able to find them if they weren't cataloged in Arcade!

  • Martin, R.S.  (2007).  Intersecting missions, converging practice.  RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage, 8(1), 80-88.
This relatively short article, introducing an issue of RBM devoted to the idea of converging practice, had a great effect on me.  Being written by the director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (or IMLS), the government agency funding my internship and responsible for allocating tons of grant money to museums and libraries, basically means that any professional in these fields should probably pay attention to what he has to say.  I found Martin's explanation of the history of these institutions illuminating (p. 81), and it validated my instinct that some of the divisions drawn between Libraries, Archives, and Museums are arbitrary or administrative.  He also addresses the idea of "talking things" and the documentary potential of various kinds of objects.  Most interesting is his assessment of the way that digital technologies erase the divides between our professions.

  • Preston, C.L., & Preston, M.J.  (1995). The other print tradition: essays on chapbooks, broadsides, and related ephemera.  New York:  Garland. 
  • Rickards, M.  (2000).  Encyclopedia of ephemera: a guide to the fragmentary documents of everyday life for the collector, curator, and historian.  New York:  Routledge.
Preston and Rickards are both quoted in the essay above, but it is difficult to say anything general or concise about either of their works (both of which are book-length) here.

  • Wythe, D.  (2007).  New technologies and the convergence of libraries, archives, and museums.  RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage, 8(1), 51-55.
In the same issue of RBM, discussing digital convergence, appears an article by Brooklyn Museum's Deb Wythe.  She was the museum's archivist until becoming the head of a new digital imaging program that encompassed the collections of the entire institution, not just Libraries & Archives.  She analyzes some of the differences between the various cultural heritage professions and addresses the challenges of intra-institutional collaboration.  One point of note:  "Libraries and archives may have the technology and standards, but museums have the presentation skills" (p. 55).

  • Young, T.G. (2003). Evidence: Toward a library definition of ephemera. RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage, 4(1), 11-26.
This article is a bit older, but I find its discussion of the issues underlying ephemera description and more compelling than most.  Young covers the difficulties of assigning cataloging standards to ephemera and the reasons why this category has, historically, fallen outside the scope of both library and archives collections—while displaying characteristics of both.  What he does very well, though, is make the case for ephemera's importance as a form of information in light of its socio-economic affiliations with under-represented cultural groups. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

day sixteen.

"Virginia Steele Scott Gallery" to "Washington Women's Art Center."

The last "official" day of the internship, so it's the last time we all have lunch together in the cafe.  I really want to see the final presentations of other practicum students in the afternoon, but I am SO close to finishing the entire alphabet!  I can't stand that it's not done—even after staying all afternoon, I only got through W5.  I will be back next week, to finish the task.

Here's what one of my bibliographic records looks like in Brookmuse (or Arcade):

If you go to the MARC view, you can see my little initials on every record I've made, at the end of the 852 field:

That's me!  xAC.

Hours worked:  9:30-5:30pm.
Records created:  41. 
442 total so far!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

day fifteen.

I switched my shift to a Wednesday this week, since I had to give my practicum presentation yesterday.  In the meantime, we (the interns) also had our tour of the MoMA library last Friday, with Jennifer Tobias.  I'm really glad I went to the NYARC meeting back in March and have had the chance to see the operations of institutions outside the Brooklyn Museum.  Each organization is really different, and it's easy to forget that when you are honed in on the details of your little tasks.  I mean, it's easy to lose sight of what's going on around you, even in your own institution.  I appreciate the efforts BM is making to help us see the bigger picture...

Especially when I think about the "user" or the "patron" out there, trying to make sense of all this data and find something specific in it.  Because that's mostly how I think of myself, still; as a library student, I am trying to learn how to use the very same tools I am supposed to be building,  maintaining, and teaching to others.  I love NYARC/Arcade, as a researcher and cataloger, and I think that subject-based consortia (and other types of collaboration) are models for improving both access to information and quality of information.

I had tea in the cafe with Deirdre this afternoon.  A sort of check-in, I think.  She asked how my presentation went and I tried to explain all of these thoughts (above) to her, but I don't think it made any sense.  I am getting so unbelievably exhausted at this point in the semester—not just physically from all the work and not sleeping, but intellectually, from cramming my brain so full.  I feel it will take some to  process everything, and that the significance of all this work will not become clear to me until long after the internship is over.

Hours worked:  9:30-5:30pm.
Records created:  25.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

day fourteen.

"University of Pittsburgh. ‡b University Art Gallery" to "Vancouver Art Gallery."

Keith's preservation tour today was maybe my favorite behind-the-scenes treat at the museum so far.  Although his office/workroom/lab is attached to the Archives, I'd never taken a peek at it.  And I think he might have the job I really want:  spending quality time with old stuff.  Well, I guess it's not always old, because the preservation process can start right away, with Keith building special boxes or protective covers for some books as soon as they arrive.  I just love the hands-on aspect of the work that I do with the vertical file materials—and if I were cataloging new materials I might not like it at all!  I don't know.  But I love all the book binding tools and rolls of fabric and paper and neat stacks of boxes and the way all of the flat file drawers are labeled and so organized....  I don't think he even has a computer in there.

Hours worked:  9-5pm.
Records created:  26.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

day thirteen.

Didn't get very many files cataloged today--now that I'm so close to the W's, it feels like I'll never get there!  But my excuse is that I attended the talk on Artists' Books for a couple of hours in the middle of the day.  It's such a cool collection, and I didn't even know Brooklyn Museum had it.  That's how narrow my focus is at work, I guess.

Jennifer followed up her talk by emailing some links to more artists' books and book-making resources:

Hours worked:  9:15-5:15pm.
Records created:  only 17...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

day twelve.

"University of California, Riverside. ‡b Art Gallery" through "Whitworth Art Gallery"...which is part of the University of Manchester, although you can't tell from the name.  It really rankles my sense of order to not have these things be connected somehow.  I know that the OPAC uses Library of Congress references to point users to related terms and earlier/later forms of names...  But it still feels weird to me to place items that are clearly related to each other into different folders on different shelves in the stacks.

Hours worked:  9-5pm.
Records created:  35.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

day eleven.

"Universidad de San Carlos" to "Bienal Internacional de São Paulo."

Thank goodness I know my way around Spanish better than Japanese.  Because these Universities are killing me.  UCLA, seriously, has about 8 pages of Library of Congress name authority headings.  That's like 800!  I actually had to write out a flow chart to keep track of all the variations of names I found in the vertical file:  Fine Arts Center vs. University Gallery vs. Art Center vs. University Art Gallery vs. Foundation for the Fine Arts Gallery, etc...

We also got to attend a talk/take a tour with the Education Division today, which was the first time I was able to directly connect anything from the internship with the class in Museum & Library Education & Outreach, which is required for all of the M-LEAD students.  I personally wish I could connect the broader educational agenda of museums/libraries with the specific work of cataloging, though...

Hours worked:  9-5pm.
Records created:  24.
Monthly total:  160.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

day ten.

"Ukiyo-E" through "UNESCO" to "U.S. Indian Services."

I got this email from Beth in response to the small pile of cataloging questions I left her last week:

So, I guess I am doing some things right?

Hours worked:  9-5pm.
Records created:  35.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

day nine.

I couldn't quite sustain the productivity of last week...but it was Deirdre's birthday, so we all spent the last hour of the workday in the break room eating cupcakes, chatting about the IMLS conference last week and about the terrible New York Times review of the new Tipi exhibit.

But earlier, Beth told me that she wanted to get an estimate from me about how soon I might be done with the vertical files.  It turns out someone already cataloged the end of the alphabet, going backwards, up to somewhere in the W's.  Deirdre and Beth have another project planned for me when I get there, which is cool because it would definitely become more of a well-rounded learning experience if I explore more than one kind of routine task.

Here I am, deep in the T files:

Hours worked:  9-5pm.
Records created:  22.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

day eight.

I made more new records today than any day so far!  On the one hand, I'm proud of myself, but on the other hand it's not like I have anything to do with the content of the files that come out of those archival boxes.  Some files are just easier than others:  they are labeled correctly, the items are in English, the names have authorized headings in the LC.  Other files are a nightmare from start to finish, even when they only contain a single postcard or museum brochure.  But today's boxes (I'm in the "T" section now) were pretty straightforward.  I have also gotten faster at the routine of record-making, the keystroke shortcuts, the automatic placement of my stack of files to the right of my keyboard...

UPDATE:  I got an email from Beth  approving of all the non-LC records I cataloged on my own.  She said I made "good decisions."  Success!

Hours worked:  9-5pm.
Records created:  49.  49!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

day seven.

"Tajak Korok Muzeumok" to "H. Terry-Engell Gallery." 

We got to take a staff tour of the newly installed Tipi exhibit today.  There are definitely some great perks to interning at a place like the museum.  (If only I weren't too busy to take advantage of the opportunity to attend other cool events.)  Also, it definitely helps me to take a break from cataloging when I hit that mid-afternoon wall of exhaustion.  I respect Beth's office rules, of course, but it is really hard for me to not be able to drink water, coffee, or tea while I work!  Also, the fact that there are no windows in the office make me lose my sense of time and place...  So it's good to get up and walk around the museum whenever I can.

Hours worked:  9-5pm.
Records created:  26.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

day six.

Multilingual cataloging day:  Hungarian and Chinese!  Non-roman-alphabet-having languages are the worst!  I can't even recognize any of the letters.  All of the Asian language items do at least have some text in English—usually the part I need, the institution name—but the Library of Congress prefers a romanized/phonetic spelling of the native language.  Thus, NOT "Taipei Fine Arts Museum" but rather "Taibei shi li mei shu guan."  I can't help but wonder if this is productive, in terms of providing access for users...

Hours worked:  9-3pm.
Records created:  17.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

day five.

"Stockholms Slott" to "Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts."  Many entries had no LC authority.  I'm starting to get more confident about how to do these.  Mostly I follow the formatting of MARC records I find through Arcade or WorldCat.  And wonder how the hell the Library of Congress decides which things become authority files.

Hours worked:  9-5pm.
Records created:  33.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

day four.

Film crew madness!  They're making a movie at the museum.  I guess that happens often enough around here that no one else is weirded out by it.

Meanwhile, in cataloging land, I hit a run of hard ones today.  A series of "State University of..." files, which are inevitably complicated by name changes and subdivisions and administrative affiliations.  Then:  a bunch of Swedish museums!  Really.  It's hard enough making sense of the LC authorities in ENGLISH.  It seems like being a cataloger might require knowing everything about everything, and in every language.

Hours worked:  9-5pm.
Records created:  31.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

day three.

Suddenly starting to doubt myself.  I recognize that self-doubt is kind of a general problem of mine, and that since this is an internship it is SUPPOSED to be educational, but I have to ask Beth so many questions!  I can't help but feel like it's really annoying.  The oddness of her personality is certainly a is quite common for her to blink at you and simply not respond to pleasantries like, "how are you?" or "good morning." 

But added to this is a valid level of worry, I believe.  This institution is much more established and hierarchical than I am accustomed to, whereas I have always been free to establish my own routines in the past, and essentially be my own boss.  So I don't want to overstep the boundaries here, but I also want to show initiative...

Hours worked: 9-5pm.
Records created:  31.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

day two.

More like a real day of work.  I am so tired!  And I can't even remember the last time I sat in a chair all day.  Every other job I have had since the Yiddish Book Center (and actually, lots of what I did at the Book Center) has involved being on my feet and running around all day. 

Figuring out the rhythm of the tasks I do.  It's a lot of tiny steps to get a single, small thing done.  When everything goes smoothly, it requires almost no thought.  But each box and each file that I open is different and may have any number of complications.  I'm not sure if my insane level of attention to detail and meticulousness is PERFECT for cataloging (!) or if it makes me work annoyingly slowly and ask Beth too many questions.  (Working for "free" is funny in this way...What's the incentive for doing a good job?  Besides the fact that I am a perfectionist...)  I do want to work as quickly as possible on the straighforward files because I have personally made it my goal to finish ALL the vertical files by the time the internship is over.  It seems appropriate, as the last M-LEAD intern, to be the one to complete the collection of institutional files.

Being able to get familiar with my workspace and my routines enabled me to observe Beth's way of working and interacting...which is rather anti-social.  Especially when it comes to the acquisitions assistant, who is, I think, one of those nervous talkers who over-explains everything.  I think it's kind of too bad that they are required to have regular contact with each other because their personalities could NOT be more incompatible.  Beth is so quiet I can't even hear her breathe!  If she weren't tapping away at the keyboard all day, I wouldn't know she was there.  I am beginning to develop an understanding of the technical librarian stereotype. 

Hours worked: 9am-5pm.
Records created: 24.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

work description + day one.

the work:

Like previous M-LEAD interns, I will be cataloging a collection of vertical files related to art institutions, museums, and galleries.  The materials in these files have been compiled by various staff members over a number of years and consist of exhibition catalogs, press clippings, invitations, postcards, annual reports, gallery guides, and assorted ephemera.  They have been organized alphabetically but never cataloged, and are thus inaccessible.  (Deirdre Lawrence, head of the Brooklyn Museum Library, calls it a "hidden collection.")

My task is to create bibliographic records for these files in WorldCat using OCLC's Connexion and then export them to the library's public access catalog via Millenium.  The MARC codes and formatting are provided by a template, so all I have to do is assign the appropriate corporate name and subject (MARC fields 110 and 610) to each file.  The majority of the work I do involves searching the Library of Congress authority files for names.  Lacking an LC heading, name forms must follow AACR2 guidelines.  Problems arise when it is difficult to identify a single corporate or organizational "creator" of a particular thing, or when file folders have been mislabeled and/or contain orphaned items.

Here's a screen-shot of what my computer looks like all day...

day one:

...Well, my first "digital observation" is that large organizations like the Brooklyn Museum are really at the mercy of their IT departments.  I can't even begin to imagine how complex the networking and security issues are for a place this big, and I'm sure the tech department is top-notch, but I spent at least half of my first work day waiting to get my "technology packet."  Basically, this packet was a user ID and password for logging into my computer and for the email account I will probably never use.  Because we have our first practicum meeting this evening, I had to leave the museum early, and Beth and I only ended up processing two books.

The real problem was, if I understand correctly, bureaucratic rather than technical.  The person who could authorize the tech department to create my computer accounts was sick and no one else could do it...or something.  This is something I am unaccustomed to, coming from the Yiddish Book Center and having spent my life working for small non-profit organizations and independent businesses, attending tiny private schools...

Then, of course, once I was logged into my computer and had everything set up, my OCLC Connexion program wouldn't work—which is the only software vital to my cataloging job.  Eventually, they got it going.  Hopefully, next week will go smoothly now that all of this is straightened out.

Hours worked:  9am-3pm.
Records created:  only 2!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

internship project identification

Knowledge Is Power, illustration by Christopher Dresser
project abstract:

My goal is to gain experience with cataloging tools and platforms, even if the work is mostly cataloging from a template.  The intellectual questions I am interested in have to do with understanding the relationship between information and its forms.  The collection I will be cataloging is not bibliographic but mixed media material organized in vertical files.  The kind of information embodied by these unique, ephemeral items is somehow different in nature than the kind of information conveyed by books, journals, and text-dominated publications.  How, then, does the cataloger best represent the information potential of these items?  In reality, I will not have the option of individually cataloging or digitizing items.  But my final analysis will be formulated as a thought experiment regarding best practices in describing ephemera.

position title: M-LEAD cataloging intern
course:  LIS-698, Practicum/Seminar
professor:  Dr. Tula Giannini, Dean of Pratt SILS
site supervisor:  Beth Kushner, cataloger/assistant librarian
site location:  Brooklyn Museum (Libraries and Archives), 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY

Image: "Christopher Dresser, The art of decorative design, 1862.  Knowledge is Power."
Author: Dresser, Christopher.
Description:  xi, 241 p., 1 L. : ill., 28 plates (part col.) ; 25 cm. 
Imprint: London : Day and son, 1862.
Brooklyn Museum Libraries, Special Collections
No. NK1560 D81a